gudmorning sissy . mei hang over pa ko kagav . haha .
Gudmorning Sissy. Cute nman ng pics. neu ni kuya!

hnd. ni ayaw nea nga mkpag usap
ou nga e. hndi kc kame ok e.
When we are depressed
we expect love from
when we are happy
we just forget to give
love to the depressed
~ sharing
`GudEvening. ﺕ
PM Not Allowed Comments Not Allowed How Can I Connect Yu Dude
mei bayad ean e 15 ata. xi dj nagverify ng acct. ko e.
sissy bertdei ngaun ni jana.
Happiness keeps you sweet. Trials make you strong. Sorrows make you humble. Success keeps you glowing & God keeps you going. Don’t wait for a new year to change your perspective. Get up & be proactive today! Cheers to a new year & another chance for us to get it right. May you have a greatest 2013.
hey ! wheres my pamasko ?