hey..thank u 4 acceptin (:
Ohhh... Hahahaaha

Ofcourse i'm at singapore.. I live here

actually, since she added me I've felt that she lied to me. But, I tried to know her with became fans of Super Junior and Hyo Yeon.
I just can say like that, because it's long.
By the way, do you still in Singapore?
I think yes, from that I become fans of Super Junior and Hyo Yeon's SNSD xD gakgakgak~
Nothing happened. juz mizz u €_€
aish ! >_
Oppppaaaaaaaaa !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! +__+
actually yes, but now I've forgotten her. Hahaha
yes, but it's well known with role player
2day im lonely n u? What a u doing?